Case study

How Raw uses Behavioural Analytics to Drive Better Player Experiences

RAW utilises Amplifier AI's Optimise module


About RAW

RAW is a completely new type of studio with the conviction to create something that stands out in the sea of sameness. They develop innovative, easy-to-understand and highly entertaining games for the gaming industry. Their titles are available on leading gaming sites and apps across the globe.


Game performance

RAW utilise Optimise's Game Performance to make adjustments and give their players a better experience



RAW utilises filtering  to track which games in their portfolio are more interesting for specific player groups


"My daily routine starts with Amplifier AI's Optimise module — deeply understanding our game performance and player behaviours. The RAW team lives and breathes the behavioural analytics, it underpins our game roadmaps and customer launches."

Tom Wood, CEO, RAW

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Key benefits

How RAW utilise Optimise

Investigating underperforming games

Not all games performance according to expectations, but the key is learning which games, themes and audiences aren't tracking with predictions and make appropriate changes.

See how their players really play their games

RAW are deeply focused on providing great player experiences, and with Optimise's retention visualisation and player behaviours they can understand where their revenue comes from.

Monitoring commercial trends and opportunities

RAW rely on the commercial and sales data in Optimise to identify uplifts and declines that impact performance. By comparing this information over time they are able to map their trajectory.

"RAW have utilised Optimise to become one of the fastest growing studios around. We love to see their passion for providing world-leading experiences."

Ian Tibot, Chief Product Officer, Future Anthem

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