Data-Driven Game Design: How to win with data

Building games that succeed in the online casino market is tough. Games produce a great deal of scattered data but using it can be complex to harness and analyse.

In this guide, we will walk you through how you can:

 Harness your data to gain deeper insights into player behaviours

 Build games that operators just can't miss

 Get the most from your investments and roadmaps

Frame 136-min

About the guide

In order to win in this hyper competitive market, successful studios will utilise game data to target specific player behaviours


Get ahead of the game

Identify the key metrics of your game data to build high-performing games that are tailored to specific player behaviors. 


Winners in game designs 

Discover how successful studios deliver highly engaging games that stand out in the hyper-competitive market.


Data-driven disrupters 

Analyse how the world's top brands harness consumer data to deliver high-end consumer engagement.